These puppies will forever be known as the "Montevideo litter". Minnesota Pit Bull Rescue received a call asking to help with a litter of 8 puppies that were living in a less than stellar environment. The pups were all in one small kennel, standing in their own filth with no food or clean water. The images were one of the hardest things we've ever had to see. Luckily, the Montevideo Police Department stepped in to rescue these pups just in time. Even in these circumstances, all 8 puppies were happy and ready to give out kisses. We are beyond thrilled that we have an update of all 8 dogs, just in time to celebrate the week of their 3rd birthday! (click here to see the before pictures in a great story done by The Dodo)
parent: don’t remember, sorry
does your dog love? - Wrestling with Dad, going for runs, playing with the
girls in the yard.
do you love most about your dog? - His loyalty and gentleness around the
part of owning a pit bull? - Very loyal, protective family dogs.
- Sun or snow? Snow
- Toys or treats? Treats
- Sleep or play? Play
- Bossy or baby? Baby
- Snuggle or personal bubble? Snuggle
- Blankets – over or under? Over
the Love
there anything you’d like to say to the Montevideo Police Department?
for getting these dogs out of there! Our family is blessed to have Roscoe
because of you guys!!

Nicknames: Rue Lu, Rudy, Rudy Ludy, Rue-lu-lu, Ruder, Ruder Luder, Ruder Booder, Lovey Dovey, Sweet Girl, Girlfriend, Girlfriend Rudy
Foster parent: Joan
Favorite things
What does your dog love? Walks, car rides, toys, treats, games, blankets, people, dogs, sunshine, playing, kisses and snuggles.
What do you love most about your dog? Rue is so loving and has the best personality. Everyone tells us that we have the sweetest dog. We couldn’t agree more.
Best part of owning a pit bull? Pit bulls are funny, loyal and loving. Their short hair might get stuck on everything, but the kisses and snuggles make up for that!

This or that
- Sun or snow? Sun
- Toys or treats? Toys
- Sleep or play? Play
- Bossy or baby? Baby
- Snuggle or personal bubble? Snuggle
- Blankets – over or under? Under
Spread the love
Is there anything you’d like to say to the Montevideo Police Department?
Thank you using this unfortunate situation as a teaching moment and stepping in to give this litter the opportunity to live happy, healthy lives. We are so grateful to have Rue as a member of our family. She so loved and very, very spoiled.
Nicknames: Willow-ba-dillow, Pluto, Baby Girl
Foster parent: Maddy Yule...also Jim and Tracie Yule
Favorite things
What does your dog love? Agility, training, and walks.
What do you love most about your dog? She's crazy (hyper), but super lovable. She fits Maddy perfectly.
Best part of owning a pit bull? You get to show people that pit bulls are nice, friendly dogs. They are not what people think they are. Also Willow is such a people pleaser, she will do anything for her family.
This or that
- Sun or snow? Sun
- Toys or treats? Toys
- Sleep or play? Both
- Bossy or baby? Bossy to our other dog, Oliver, but baby to us.
- Snuggle or personal bubble? Snuggle...there is no such thing as a personal bubble.
- Blankets – over or under? Over...the more she can lay on the better.
Spread the love
Is there anything you’d like to say to the Montevideo Police Department?
Thank you for saving Willow and bringing her into our family.
Formerly known as: Rose
Nicknames: Stella Bella, Stell, Nella
Foster parent: Me! (foster fail)
Favorite things
What does your dog love?
Snuggling, People, Chasing bunnies and squirrels, Going
for walks, Play wrestling with her canine sister, Stealing the covers.
What do you love most
about your dog? Her personality! She is the world’s best snuggler and
absolutely loves everybody! She is the most loving dog I’ve ever met and would much
rather be snuggled up on the couch with me than anywhere else in the world. She
is a goofball at times and finds fun in any situation. She is spunky, gentle,
loving, and funny.
Best part of owning a
pit bull? They love the perfect family companion. Great with kids and excited
to be with you. They are athletic, goofy, and easy to train. They are also the
world’s best kisser!

- Sun or snow? Sun, especially when laying directly in the sunbeam!
- Toys or treats? Toys, especially ones I can shred and destroy!
- Sleep or play? Play. I love play with kids, cats, and other dogs.
- Bossy or baby? Big baby.
- Snuggle or personal bubble? Snuggle. Stella no concept of a personal bubble.
- Blankets – over or under? Over and typically Stella steals all the blankets to make her nest.
Is there anything you’d like to say to the Montevideo
Police Department?
Thank you so much for saving this amazing litter of
puppies. Without your kindness, I would have never met my best friend. The
world needs more people like you willing to serve, protect, and save not only
people, but animals too. I am so grateful that Stella and her siblings were
saved from such a horrible situation. I worry what would have happened if your
team would not have found them in time. Because of you, Stella and her siblings
no longer have to worry about being neglected. Stella is one of them most loved
dogs I’ve ever met. She is truly a member of our family. Thank you!

Formerly known as: Derby
Nicknames: Rolie, Roliver, Oliver Rex
Foster parent: Danielle Lewis
Favorite things
What does your dog love? Running the agility course, going to
Grandma & Grandpa’s, removing squeakers from toys.
What do you love most about your dog? His adaptability. He is very much a “go with the
flow” kind of dude. It allows us to have foster dogs come & go, bring him
to breweries, or just nap on the couch. He fits our lifestyle perfectly.
Best part of owning a pit bull? Their unconditional love. My favorite is when we take him out in public
& have people comment on how well behaved his is. I love being able to
change someone’s mind about the breed & to have the ability to show them
that they are a loving, happy, beautiful breed.
This or that
- Sun or snow? Sun
- Toys or treats? Treats
- Sleep or play? Sleep
- Bossy or baby? Baby
- Snuggle or personal bubble? Snuggle
- Blankets – over or under? Under
Spread the love
Is there anything you’d like to say to the Montevideo Police
Thank you so
very much for giving me my best friend. He has gotten me through so much in
life by simply just being him. Thank you for saving his litter and trusting
MPBR to get them into loving homes. You’re the real heroes!
Formally known as: Elsa
Nicknames: Ellie-Girl, Smelly-Ellie, Smellie, Princess, Mine (as
our 2 year old son calls her)
Foster Parent: Us... we couldn’t imagine this girl going
anywhere else after we started fostering her!
What does your dog love: Snuggling, eating, going for walks, playing
outside, bringing Mama slippers and other trinkets, and her Mama!! She doesn’t
leave my side 😍
What do you love most about your dog? She is my number one companion, my
snuggle bug, my motivator, and my protector. I can’t imagine life without her
and her silly antics!
Best part of owning a pit bull? Their unconditional love!! And
their snuggles and sweet kisses 😘
- Sun or snow? Sun
- Toys or treats? Treats
- Sleep or play? Sleep
- Bossy or baby? Baby, but can be bossy if she wants a treat or to be helped on the bed!
- Snuggle or personal bubble? Snuggle for sure!
- Blankets – over or under? Over
Spread the love
Is there anything you’d like to
say to the Montevideo Police Department?
THANK YOU for rescuing this sweet litter of pups!!! I can’t
imagine life without my Ellie. She has helped me through more in the past three
years than I ever thought life could deal. I wouldn’t be where I am today
without her!! She is my snuggle bug, my rock, my protector, and my princess.
Thank you!!
Formerly known as: I think she
was supposed to be named Lola but it was about the time that I was told her
name that I decided I was a failure.
Nicknames: Little Girl,
Vanellope von Schweetz, Pinky, Piggy
Foster parent: Me, myself, and I....I suppose you could also include Clark, Reg, and Hiccup.
Favorite things
What does your dog love?
Sleeping in the warm spot! Weird things - bosu ball, wobble board, teeter
What do you love most about
your dog? She’s sort of a challenge, she loves most anything and everything,
and she snuggles
Best part of owning a pit bull?
Training them to be better than what everyone believes they can be...their
personalities...just enough drive for me....devoted...and also happy to nap the
day away if we want
This or that
- Sun or snow? Snow really only if I’m out there or if she’s wanting to eat the ice as that seems to have become a favorite past time lately, or else she’s a sun baby shooting for a sunburn all the way
- Toys or treats? Both....but she only gets the toy thing with actual interaction since she’s a wrecker and likes to destroy just about every toy she touches
- Sleep or play? Both again but often times is dependent upon me and what I’m/we’re doing
- Bossy or baby? She likes to play the field in both directions here
- Snuggle or personal bubble? No doubt on this one, snuggle ALL the’s very rare that you’ll find her not touching you when you’re on the couch/in bed
- Blankets – over or under? Mostly over but I think it’s because she hasn’t quite grasped the concept of the under yet
Spread the love
Is there anything you’d
like to say to the Montevideo Police Department? Thank you, THANK YOU
for taking this part of your job seriously! You go above and beyond to begin every
day with the work you do and I couldn’t be happier that you took it upon
yourselves to check in on these guys!!
I worked for the school so I went to teach summer school and
picked Silas up that day after school. When I came to get him, I saw the MPBR
group in the room with the rest of the pups. It was sooooo sweeet..
Silas loves to travel. He swims in mountains lakes and rivers.
He sleeps in tents and rides shotgun all over the country. I love that he
adores my kids and they adore him. My kids have never not had a pit bull in
their life. Azure is 12 so Silas is his 3rd pit, Aurelia is 10 and
Silas is her 2nd pit and Esme is 5 and Silas is her 2nd pit.
Esme and Silas have been together since she was 2 years old and he just months
old. Pit Bull personalities and desire for family is their best quality. They
are able to adapt to anything.
This or that
- Sun or snow? Sun
- Toys or treats? Treats
Sleep or play? Toss up
Bossy or baby? Baby (except to our kittens, then bossy)
Snuggle or personal bubble? Snuggle & all 70lbs of him
Blankets – over or under? Over
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