Wednesday, January 24, 2018

1.24.18 Featured Foster August Edition

Meet Hollie!

Who was your first foster?


Who is your current foster?


Why did you start volunteering?

I have always loved helping those in need. When I saw a friend fostering a puppy (who I actually wanted to adopt) I decided becoming a foster mom was what I really needed to do. I love dogs- Pitties to be more specific!

How long have you been volunteering with our rescue?

A few months... since July or August.

Do you have any pets?

Yes! I have a 2 year old American Bully who absolutely LOVES having foster puppies around to play with! I recently adopted a Cane Corso Mastiff who we rescued from a shelter.

Where is your favorite dog friendly place to take your pooches?

Though we have dogs parks, my dog really LOVES car rides. It doesn't matter if we are running to the gas station down the street or heading out on a day long road trip. The windows in my car are full of puppy nose prints (or nose art as I like to call it). 

When not surrounded by dogs – what can you be found doing?

I like to spend time with my family, first and foremost. I also enjoy volunteer work. My favorite is volunteering at my son's school.

Do you have a special ritual for your fosters?

A single favorite?! I loved getting puppy snuggles at night after my kids would go to bed. It gave me time to spend with each foster and share some love.

Interested in joining our team? Click here for volunteer information!
BarkBox is a subscription service that is awesome for you dogs! You get toys & treats delivered right to your door every month!

Each month one of our foster parent receives a BarkBox as a thank you. This is our small way of showing appreciation for the dedication our volunteers have to this rescue. Minnesota Pit Bull Rescue is 100% volunteer based-no shelters here! 

Each dog we can save is because a foster is willing to open their home for us ğŸ’š

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