Thursday, November 30, 2017

11.30.17 Come Paint with Us!

Join us in supporting My Pit Bull is Family and do something fun with friends or your SO. See you there!

Join My Pit Bull is Family at Legends Bar & Grill for a paint nite! 
This event has limited seating - only the first 35 painters will be able to join us! Be sure to register yourself and your friends early!

Your ticket includes everything you need to paint your take-home painting and a $15 donation to the organization!

We will be doing a painting of Lucy (in the cover photo)

Buy your ticket here

11.30.17 My Monthly Wellness Box Ends Today!

Our vetting fundraiser with My Monthly Wellness Box is through the end of the month. 
(Make up, Essential oils, and more!)

Our newest addition is just a puppy. She came into the shelter with her eyeball hanging out of the socket. 


Monday, November 27, 2017

11.27.17 Hello from Rollie (Update: Adopted!)


4 months old (9.1.17)

We’re still learning about Rollie as he is so new to our rescue. Stay tuned for updated info!

Adoption fee $350

Rollie is litter mates with Snickers & Ryder who are also available for adoption.

Interested in adopting Rollie, visit

Sunday, November 26, 2017

11.26.17 Meet Jack & Jill (Updated, Jack & Jill -Adopted!)

We are pleased to introduce Jack & Jill! Like many of the dogs that come to our rescue, these two made it all the way from Texas! They are settling in with their new foster mom & we will have more information on them in the coming days. In the meantime, take a look at these cuties!

When we have more information, find it here: Jack  Jill

11.25.17 Meet Lola & Rollie! (Update: Both Adopted!)

Rollie & Lola 

Rollie & Lola have officially made it to MN Pit Bull Rescue!
These two are litter mates with Snickers & Butters (adopted). They made their way to Minnesota by way of Oklahoma. While they are both adjusting to the cooler weather, both are doing wonderfully in their new foster homes! We've learned that their mother was a pure bread Bulldog & their father a Shar Pei. Visit their pages, Rollie & Lola, for updated information & more pictures once we learn more about them.
 Welcome to our group, Rollie & Lola!

11.24.17 New Litter Coming Soon!

These littles are waiting to come to us but in the mean time can you help us get them (and future litters) a puppy playpen?

Stay tuned for more information on this litter coming mid December!

11.24.17 Happy Thanksgiving from Charlie! (Update:Adopted!)

Minnesota Pit Bull Rescue (and Charlie) would like to wish you & your family a very happy Thanksgiving!

Charlie is new to our rescue. When we met Charlie for the first time, we were quick to realize he needed medical attention. He is already doing great at his new foster home & will be receiving the help that he needs. Once we learn more about Charlie, we will be updating his bio (and more pictures) here.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

11.21.17 Holiday Wish List Coming Soon

We did this last year and the dogs loved it!!

We will have 18 wish lists this year. Each wish list will vary in price.
Lists will be announced the first week of December. 
Like last year, we will post each foster dog with their 3 gifts.

An example will look like the following:

 Huey would love Benebones or Nyla bones or antlers, any bone basically 😂 and a Kong Wobbler or Kong Gyro

All of the items can be purchased right from our Amazon Wishlist.
Your sponsored Christmas dog will pose with his new toys as a thank you that will be posted on our page around Christmas.
Stay tuned to our Blog during the first week of December & you can pick out who you'd like to sponsor

Monday, November 20, 2017

11.20.17 Update on Jules

Jules has officially made it to Minnesota and we are blown away by her updated appearance. 
She is looking so great!

11.19.17 Hello from Nikki (Update: Adopted!)

Hello, my name is Nikki... AKA Darling Little Nikki. I’m 12 weeks old (as of 11.2.17) I'm cute, smart, and spunky. My favorite things to do are snuggle, play tug of war, and watch cartoons. I know how to sit/stay on command and patiently sit and wait for my food. I love to play with kids and dogs of all sizes (male and female). I love my crate and sleep in there all night without an accidents. I'm on a regular feeding and potty break routine so I don't have any accidents in the house. I’m learning that my soft whimper let’s my foster mom know that I need to go outside, where I go right away. I’m looking for a forever home that will love me and let me snuggle with them as much as possible.

Adoption fee $350

Interested in adopting? Apple here- 

11.18.17 Give to the Max Day-Thank you!

Thank You to all of our incredible donors who donated on Give to the Max 2017!! 
Every year we are blown away by the generosity of our donors who love and support our work everyday.
Our foster dogs will be saying Thank You through out the day today so keep checking back. 
$100+ Hoodie donors will be contacted this weekend about their size.

Meet Charlie! 
He is the first dog who will benefit from the funds given on Thursday. Charlie came into rescue earlier this week. He was an owner surrender who we thought was a healthy puppy. Upon meeting him it was obvious that he was not using his front leg. Immediately off to our vet he went. His leg was severely broken and needs a specialist to fix it. We will continue to post updates on his surgery and recovery next week.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

11.16.17 It's Give to the Max day, last chance to get a bonus MPRB hoodie!

Give to the Max 2017 is today! 

$100 donations and over will receive a special Give to the Max MPBR hoodie! *Offer extended through 11/17/17!

So what is Give to the Max day?

Created as a launch party for in 2009, Give to the Max Day has turned into Minnesota’s giv
ing holiday. It is a special 24-hour period to highlight the work and worth of nonprofits and schools all across Minnesota, and a day for generous Minnesotans to give back what they can to the causes and organizations that mean the most to them. And as a bonus, GiveMN offers thousands of dollars in prizes to provide a little excitement, start some friendly competition, and help donors make their dollars go farther.

Why should you donate on Give to the Max day?

We believe that any day is a great day to support the local nonprofits and schools strengthening our communities, but Give to the Max Day is a special day to celebrate thousands of nonprofits and schools across the state. Your Give to the Max Day donation will be eligible for random drawings to have extra money added to it, and will help your favorite cause compete for more prize money on our leaderboards.

Monday, November 13, 2017

11.11.17 Update from Sugar & Jules / Hello from Sammi (Updated: Sammi & Sugar-Adopted)

Sugar & Jules are looking great compared to their last update! We can't wait to get these girls up to Minnesota & get them healthy so they can find their forever homes!


8 weeks on Sept 5, 2017

Hi, my name is Sammi. My foster parents affectionately call me SamBam. I’m 11 weeks old, and just 11 pounds. I love to play. My favorite game is tug… I’ll win someday. I get along with other dogs, but I’m still working on my social skills. I was the runt of the litter, so sometimes I feel I have to prove that I’m tough. When I’m not playing, I love to cuddle. Seriously…. I need a lap to cuddle on when I’m tired. Right now, I know how to sit, shake, and stay. I still have a few other things to learn. I’m looking for a forever home to teach me the rest of my doggie skills!

Adoption fee $350

Interested in adopting? Apple here-

Friday, November 10, 2017

11.10.17 Upcoming Adoption Events THIS WEEKEND!

Come meet some of our adoptable dogs!

Willow, Juniper, & Nikki will be ready to give you snuggles on Saturday at Bentley's Pet Stuff in Minneapolis

ChandlerMonicaRubyNala, & Vinca will be in attendance at For Pet's Sake! in Blaine on Sunday
Click their names to learn more about each of them!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

11.9 Hi from Ross (Update: Adopted!)


Age: 8 weeks on 10/31/17 

Activity Level: active with several naps and cuddle time. 

Things I do in my free time: I love to play with my foster brother and foster sister. We run around and I like to go under the couch and the chairs and come out the other side to surprise them. I also love the little boy who lives in the house, I crawl on him and sit with him as much as I can. I also follow my foster mom around wherever I can especially in the kitchen. When I go outside I love to chase the leaves. As soon as I catch one though another comes by that I need to try to get as well, I am easily distracted by them. I also am a fan of shoes, not chewing on them just laying on them. However my foster mom put them all away just in case. 

Things I know: I don’t know a whole lot yet but I’m still a puppy and am learning lots! 

Things I am learning: I am learning to walk on a leash, however I still want to just play with it. My foster mom says I’m doing much better though. I’m also Learning leave it which I still have not quite figured out but I hear it quite often. When I go outside I go to the bathroom almost immediately, however I still have accidents inside but I am working on it. 

Kids: There is one child in the foster home and he is great with him. He has several medical issues and Ross has been fantastic in every aspect of those 

Dogs: There are two dogs in the foster home. One 90lb male lab and a medium size female pit bull. He plays well with both 

Cats: has not been around cats 

Size: 7-8 lbs, not sure how big he’ll get 

Car rides: is fine with car rides but wants to sit on my lap. 

Additional Info from foster parent: Ross is a beautiful and sweet puppy. Sometimes a little shy but loves to play 

Adoption fee $350 

Interested in adopting? Apple here-

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

11.8.17 Hello from Rachel (Update-Rachel ADOPTED!)

Name: Rachel 

Nicknames: Rachel the Bold, Rachel of the tiny legs 
Age: 8 Weeks old on 10/31/17 
Activity Level: Healthy Puppy (Mid to high followed by cuddle and naptime) 
Things I do in my free time: Explore! I am fearless, confident and ready to make new friends. I am being fostered with kids (8,4,2) a dog, and a cat… none of that phases me. If no one wants to play I make use of toys and entertain myself. My favorite toy right now is a plastic pumpkin pail that is larger than I am, which I tug mightily around the room. (As you might be able to tell I am very confident.) My nemesis right now is my foster brother’s potty chair, I’m not sure why but I need to valiantly defend him from such a dangerous device and will pull and push it to the corner of the room. So far this “chair of the potty” has always returned to the same spot but eventually I will vanquish it. 
Things I know: I’m pretty darn good in my crate / kennel and I know “Go Potty”! (we are still mastering but I know I can't get out of the cold until I pee or poop.) I’m new at my foster home so I’m still learning. 
Things I am learning: We are focusing on: come, leave it and kennel. We’re also going to work on walking on leash, riding in the car and making new friends while I’m in foster. 
Kids: I love them. We cuddle, we chase …. It is a good relationship. 
Dogs: I love them! I just want to play. 
Cats: I’m new and the resident cat has been shy with me but we are working on being fine together. 
Size: Right now I’m a puppy with a low rider build, it is hard to say how large I’ll be in the future but right now I don’t have very big paws to grow into. 
Car rides: We’re going to learn to be safely restrained on short car rides. I am too small for a seat-belt harness. The goal is to make it so I’m ready to roll when you are! 
Additional Info from foster parent: Rachel is a puppy! Puppies need attention and supervision. As far as puppies go Rachel has a normal energy level and surprisingly confident as well as a pretty sharp pup. She’s a new foster but we want to get her profile updated with what we have because she is so outgoing she should go fast. She’d do well in just about any home since she is so well natured with everyone. Keep in mind if you have kids that puppies will get excited and mouth; it is always a good idea to supervise play to protect puppy and kids. The children she is being fostered with are relatively wild boys but dog experienced boys who are trying to help her learn appropriate ways to play. 

PS: She is super adorable and soft. The large spot over her eye is also not solid black it looks like brindle. 

Adoption fee $350 

Interested in adopting? Apple here-

Find more pictures of Rachel here! 

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

11.7.17 My Monthly Wellness Box fundraiser

Our Vet Fundraiser with My Monthly Wellness Box has been posted!!!
The first 10 people to order a box will get our exclusive hoodie to this fundraiser, a hat of their color choice, and a pizza tshirt.

11.6.17 New MNPR Merch- Orders close 11/18/17!

Winter hats have arrived just in time for winter! Check out our online store here & grab them while supplies last. Orders will close Saturday, Nov 18.

11.5.17 November Dog of the Month- Perma! (Update: Adopted!)


My name is Perma (Nicknames: Perm, Momma, Scoobs) and I am young, probably under age 2.
Currently weigh 65-70 lbs and have a beautiful fawn and white coat.
Some things to know about me: I gave birth to 6 beautiful puppies in July at a shelter in Texas and was pulled from the shelter and into rescue when my babies were just days old. We made the trip to Minnesota to be fostered and in a safe place to take care of my babies. My foster momma tells me I am so beautiful all the time and I am working at getting myself back in tip top shape.
I love to snuggle on the couch and give kisses. I really love people and am working on controlling my excitement when meeting them. I love all toys and really like to play fetch. I can chase the ball many times and get it right back to my foster mom so she can throw it again. I love to take every single toy out of the toy box at the same time so I can switch it up when I want. Chewing on nylabones, benebones, antlers and tennis balls are right on the top of the list of my favorites. I am pretty active and like to stay busy and get lots of exercise and playtime. Car rides are also something I really do enjoy. I love watching out the window and am very well behaved will riding.
I am currently staying in a home with two other dogs and enjoy their company and playtime. I do not live with cats but I am very alert and focused when I see bunnies, squirrels or cats outside. It is best if my new home does not have cats or small critters.
I know sit and I take treats very nicely. I am pretty good at coming when called but will keep working on getting better. Some things I am working on with my foster mom are waiting for treats, lay down, attention and focus and leash manners. I will need a strong committed leader to teach me everything I need to know.
I have done a really great job in my crate when my foster mom is at work or has to leave for a while. I am still working on walking right in but am not resistant at all when she guides me in. Not really sure why my foster mom thinks it is so important that I go in before the treats but I am working on doing it in the order she wants. I have had my nails trimmed and did a really good job and my foster mom says we will keep working on this so I am completely fine with it.
I am so excited to start the search for the perfect forever family. If you are interested in finding out more about me or meeting me feel free to fill out application or set up a meeting. I promise you will think I am adorable, lovable, trainable and an all around goofy girl.

Adoption fee $0.00 Dog of the Month- November 2017
(we have a dog of the month every month)
Adoption info-

11.4.17 Jules & her sister (Update: Both Adopted!)

This is dog number FOUR in just a few weeks with horrible demodex mange 
that we have been contacted to rescue. 
Meet Jules. She has the worst mange on her face that the vet has ever seen.
 Please help us support her and the others through vetting and transport.

Other three dogs are Juniper, Willow and Peanut. You can find pictures of them by clicking on their names. 

**Update, her sister has also been surrendered.
 Both will be coming to our rescue from Texas soon!

11.4.17 Meet the FRIENDS litter! (Update,All have been ADOPTED!)

They are 8 weeks old and ready for their forever!

Find More information on their pages:

11.3.17 Help, Who has Tatum? **Update, Tatum has been FOUND!

A local rescue has had one of their members go missing. Please help bring Tatum back home!

***Update, Tatum has been found!!! 

Thursday, November 2, 2017

11.2.17 Willow, Juniper & Peanut Update (Update: All Adopted)

Awhile back we posted about 3 female puppies that had a bad case of non-contagious mange. Willow, Peanut, and Juniper were missing most of their fur when they arrived to our rescue. We really didn't know what they were going to end up looking like once we got them healthy but we are very happy to report they are all doing much better & are growing such beautiful fur! 

Just take a look at that before & after picture!

These ladies are all healthy enough to go to their 
furever homes. More information can be found here:

Peanut   Juniper  

11.2.17 November Dog of the Month (Update: Adopted!)

The Dog of the Month is...........Perma!

Perma's adoption fee is waived if she is adopted during the month of November. Perma would love to be at her new home just in time for Christmas.

For more information on Perma, please click here.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

11.1.17 October Adoptions

Congratulations to the follow 8 members who were adopted during the month of October!