Meet Ashley!
Hickory |
Queenie |
Who was your first foster?
I first started out as a temporary foster as I couldn't commit 100% of my time. I temp fostered Queenie back in 2016 for a long weekend. My first "official" foster was Hickory in 2017.
Temp fostering is great for those who can't foster all of the time & is an option available to volunteers in our rescue. It really helps give the full time foster a break or can be extremely helpful if they are going out of town.
Mint |
Who is your current foster?
Mint! She just got to Minnesota Pit Bull Rescue via TX on 1/26/20 with her brother and sisters. We're still getting to know one another but so far she's a mellow girl who is getting along great with her foster siblings.
Why did you start fostering for MPBR?
I started fostering because I could see how large the need was. When you volunteer for MPBR, you're added to a Facebook group and you'll start to see posts ranging from help needed with transporting dogs or medication to fostering full time or just fostering over the weekend (among many other things). I had recently adopted my dog through the rescue and I thought it would be nice to see how he does with other dogs while also being able to help some other volunteers and their foster dog.
When your friends/family find out you volunteer with MPBR, what do they say or ask?
I don't think it's a surprise to anyone if they know me in the slightest bit. I remember family members use to be very cautious of me wanting a pittie because of all the negativity that surrounds the bully breed. That quickly changes once they meet my dog or any the foster dogs. It's a beautiful thing when you can change someone's negative perception and I plan on continuing that forever whether it's through fostering, volunteering or just advocating for the breed.
How long have you been volunteering with Minnesota Pit Bull Rescue?
I am coming up on 10 years. I started out just by printing documents for the rescue and putting files together for adoption booklets because I couldn't have a dog of my own yet. Now I wear many different hats for the rescue and couldn't be more proud of the team we have put together over the years.
Gir & Oliver |
Do you have any pets?
Of course! Oliver is an almost 5 year old American Staffordshire Terrier and my boyfriend has a Bull Terrier who just turned 1 named Gir. It's been amazing to see the bond these two have created with one another and I love seeing them interact differently with the fosters that come and go.
When you're not surrounded by dogs, what can you be found doing?
I'm the type of person that always has dogs around me whether it's my own or not. I'm definitely that girl at a party who is in the corner with the hosts pet instead of mingling with everyone. Just the amount of dog pictures on my phone that are not mine is kind of alarming. On the very rare occurrence that I am not with a dog, you'll see me at concerts, breweries, working on a craft of some sort, geocaching, camping, hanging out with friends or working on content/booking events for the rescue. See, even half of what I listed is usually done with dogs...
Where is your favorite dog friendly place to take your pups?
Camping, walking around Duluth, or any local dog friendly brewery.
Ox's first time warming up to the camera |
Do you have a favorite memory with one of your fosters?
This is an incredibly difficult question as there are so many. I would have to say my favorite overall experience with each & every foster is just watching them come out of their shell. Sometimes they're super shy and timid and that first time they get excited and run to you, that moment right there is my all time favorite.
Do you have a special ritual you do for your foster pups?
I usually try to get a selfie with them before their official "gotcha" day, sometimes that proves to be most difficult. Otherwise I'll get a picture of them in front of a sign with their official adoption date and pass it along to their new family members. This year I want to create a foster wall in my office. My goal is to have 12 beautiful faces framed by the end of 2020.
Do you want to give a shout out to anyone in the rescue?
Lawwd, that's another tough one as I'm surrounded by so many amazing people. Truly. I've met some of the best people I know through volunteering for this rescue. First and foremost would be Laura, our fearless leader. I have always looked up to her and have admired her passion for being able to keep saying "yes" over and over again. Chatalie for always being there to help with whatever is needed. Wendy & Katie for their never-ending ability to take fosters from day one of being with MPBR. Joan for her tremendous capability to handle SO MANY puppies at one time. Danielle for fostering my puppy and ultimately giving me my best friend. Heather for being the best merch. slinger I've ever seen. Angela for her thoughtfulness and the "what can I help with" attitude, and last but certainly not least, Corey. You see me working on rescue tasks every dang day and you are always asking what you can help with- from doing intakes, transports, helping me carry things for events, getting me pictures and anything & everything in between. Like I said, MPBR has some amazing people and I would encourage you to come check us out at an event. See what we're about. See how you can get involved. I promise you will not regret it.
Each month one of our Foster parents will receive a gift card as a thank you. This is our small way of showing appreciation for the dedication our volunteers have to this rescue. Minnesota Pit Bull Rescue is 100% volunteer based. Each dog we are able to save is a result of someone willing to open their home for us.
Are you interested in becoming a Foster with MPBR? Click here for more information. Can't foster/volunteer but want to help in another way? Help by donating next months gift card! Click here