We need some Amazon wishlist help.
First, Edith. Our elderbull. She has developed a cough. The vet checked her heart and lungs with an xray. Her heart is enlarged from the heartworm damage but everything else checked out fine. We are waiting on blood work to come back today but in the mean time the vet did want to start her on an antibiotic to get ahead of a possible bacterial infection. With this, we would also like to start her on a Probiotic to keep her system running and offset the antibiotic. Edith is in need of the Primal Defense Probiotic.

Second, Bernie. Bernie came to us with bladder issue including blood in the urine. Since then he has been in and out of the vet trying to figure out what is going on through xrays and an ultrasound. Yesterday, we got news that it is chronic cystitis. In order to treat this he needs to be on an a few different supplements along with raw food as it has the most water in it. Bernie is in need of the Primal Defense Probiotic, Solid Gold Berry Balance, and Aspen Flexile Plus.
Thank you!!
MPBR, Edith, and Bernie
MPBR, Edith, and Bernie
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